Monday, May 4, 2009


Definition: Prematurely developed; Early mental development; Mature Early; Fruiting or flowering early
It comes from the Latin "Praecox"; Prae meaning "Pre" or beforehand and cox coming from coquere meaning to cook or ripen.
Synonyms: ahead, advanced, mature, quick, intelligent, sharp
Antonyms: retarded, slow, unintelligent, behind
Other Words Derived From Praecoquere: Apricot, Kiln, Kitchen
Usage: The 6-year-old pianist, Johnny, flawlessly played Beethoven's Ninth. After the number the audience animatedly applauded his precocious performance.
The athletic precocity of the high school football team has brought all kinds of spectators to the games.
The precociously successful author was awarded a second nobel prize in literature.
The number of precocious youth continually increases from generation to generation.
Take the Test to see how well you know Precocious.